Top 10 Health Benefits of Exercise

Top 10 Benefits of Exercise

We all know there are numerous health benefits of regular exercise. Some are obvious but others may surprise you. Beyond knowing the benefits, it’s often difficult to know where to start with exercise to reaps the rewards. This article outlines the top 10 benefits of exercise and gives you practical steps to kickstart your physical activity to achieve your best health.

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What are the health benefits of exercise?

Medical studies have consistently shown the role regular exercise has in preventing and controlling several chronic diseases including:

  1. Cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure

  2. Diabetes (blood glucose control)

  3. Cancer (especially colon and breast cancers)

  4. Obesity

  5. Mental health (including depression and anxiety)

  6. Sexual health (including erectile dysfunction)

  7. Sleep problems (including insomnia and sleep apnea)

  8. Osteoporosis

  9. Functional longevity and independence

  10. Dementia (promotes healthy cognitive function)

I don't exercise.  Isn't it too late to start to see these benefits?

Studies have found that adults who were inactive or less active throughout most of their adult life but increased their activity later in adulthood also had a 35% lower risk of cardiovascular-related and cancer-related mortality.

How much should I exercise?  

Set a long term goal to exercise 150-300 minutes per week (30-60 minutes, 5 days per week) at moderate intensity.  

Moderate intensity exercise can be estimated by:

  • Heart Rate Monitoring:  60-80% of max heart rate (220 - age).

  • Talk Test:  Intensity of aerobic exercise in which you are able to talk but not sing during the activity.

How do I get started exercising?

  • Set short term goals.

    • If you're not currently exercising, start with 5 minutes twice per week.  Gradually build on intensity, duration, and frequency of exercise.

  • Decide what type of exercise you will enjoy.

    • Walking, running, cycling, swimming, tennis, weight lifting, etc.

  • Schedule your exercise.

    • When does exercise fit into your daily routines?  Put it on your calendar.

  • Decide who can help you.

    • Accountability helps tremendously.  Tell a spouse, friend, co-worker.

    • Find someone who is also motivated to exercise with you, sign up for classes, or consider getting a personal trainer.

10 exercises to do at home:

1. Push-Ups:  Targeting your chest/back, arms and even core. They can be modified to be on your knees or hands on the wall.

2. Squats:  Weight in your heals like you are reaching to sit down in a chair. Modify my pointing toes out or smaller squat motion.

3. Plank:  On your elbows and toes targets your core the best way possible. Modify by putting your elbows on your couch or putting your knees on the ground.

4. Sit to Stand:  Sit down in a chair and stand back up without using your hands.

5. Bicycles:  On your way back alternating knee to opposite elbow. Modify by keeping one foot on the ground and then alternate feet. 

6. Walk-outs:  Stand tall and place your hands on the ground and walk out to a high plank position.

7. Wall Sit:  Sit on the wall like you are sitting in a chair.

8. Lunges:  These great leg exercises can be done stationary or forward or backward. 

9. Bird dog:  On all fours reaching opposite arm and leg out and holding until stable. Great for your core and balance.

10. Calf Raises:  Up and down to your toes. This helps with ankle stabilization and foot strength.


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