Simple Routines for Healthy Living

Direct Primary Care Tips

Healthy living doesn’t take complex changes. It starts with a foundation of simple routines focused on diet, exercise, and sleep to start building momentum that leads to a lifetime of wellness.

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Direct Primary Care of Oklahoma is membership based health clinic committed to providing comprehensive, affordable family medicine care. You deserve a health care model that puts your needs first, we can help.

Healthy Eating & Hydration:

  • Choosing whole foods (like lean fresh meats, whole grain breads/pastas, and fresh fruits & veggies) make it easier for digestion and absorbing all those important vitamins and minerals!

  • When choosing fruits and veggies, opt for the fresh or frozen isle instead of packaged cups and cans.

  • Keeping unhealthy snacks and sweets out of the house or put away in the cabinet will help reduce cravings - out of sight, out of mind.

  • Drinking 64 ounces of water per day improves skin health, promotes faster healing, can improves mood, helps prevent headaches & constipation, and reduces sugar cravings.

Exercise & Staying Active:

  • A minimum of 11 minutes of activity a day can improve our physical health along with our mental health and mood!

  • Taking a 10 minute walk after meals benefits our heart health and aids in proper digestion.

  • Stretching for 10-15 minutes a day improves blood flow to our brain and our muscles, relieves pressure from our joints and spine, and is great for stress relief.

  • Being active and exercising with family or friends boosts morale and creates a productive and healthy lifestyle that you can share together!

Getting Enough Sleep:

  • 8 hours of sleep each night boosts your immune system, strengthens your heart, increases exercise performance and productivity in the work place.

  • Keeping light out of the bedroom during the hours of sleep assists with our body’s natural production of melatonin - helping us sleep longer and deeper!

  • Having an evening routine (like most of us do in the mornings), such as dimming the lights, wearing blue lights lenses, or turning our phones on “do not disturb”, can create a relaxing environment and decreases stimulation to our brain for a more focused morning the next day.

To your success,

Chelsi Fenton, LPN


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